duminică, 27 ianuarie 2013

Dovlecei umpluti / Stuffed Zucchini

Dovleceii umpluti sunt minunati cand nu stii ce sa mai pregatesti si esti in pana de timp. Eu am deschis frigiderul, am aruncat o privire rapida si am zis ca cel mai repede pot prepara niste dovlecei umpluti, ca tot aveam un pui deja facut la cuptor. Asa ca am amestecat ceva carnita, cu rosii si condimente, am scobit cativa dovlecei, i-am umplut si am presarat branza. Delicios!
INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 persoane): 4 dovlecei medii, 1 rosie mare, 1 ardei gras, 2 catei de usturoi, 1/2 de piept de pui (sau orice alt tip de carne, poti folosi chiar mezeluri - sunca de curcan, de pui), ulei de masline, sare, piper, oregano, boia dulce, 200 g de telemea de vaca sau de oaie grasa
 Spala si curata dovleceii, taie-i pe lung in jumatate, scobeste-i cu o lingura de miez. Pune miezul deoparte, la scurs. Pune in robot carnea si toac-o marunt, adauga usturoiul, legumele, condimentele, miezul de la dovlecei (dupa ce l-ai masi stors bine inca o data) si amesteca bine pana ce compozitia devina omogena.
Unge o tava cu ulei de masline. Aseaza in ea dovleceii.
Umple dovleceii cu amestecul. Presara telemea peste.
Baga tava la cuptor pentru 50 de minute, la 200 de grade Celsius.
Pofta buna!
Ingredients (for 4 persons): 4 zucchinis, one big tomato, 1 bell pepper, 2 garlic cloves, 1/2 chicken breast (or any other poultry meat, you can use ham too), olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano, sweet paprika, 200 grams cow or sheep fat chesse
Wash, clean and let the zuchinni dry.  Cut them vertical and carve away the core, put it aside in a strainer. In a kitchen robot mince the meat, add the garlic, the tomato and pepper, the zucchini core, the spices and mix together until the mixture is homogeneous.
Coat an oven tray with olive oil. Put the half zucchini in it, stuff them with the mixture. Add shredded cheese and put the tray in te oven for 50 minutes at 200 degree Celsius.

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